Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Debating the "Reclaim NC" Act

This morning before the NC House Finance Committee, advocates from across the ideological spectrum continued the contentious debate over NC House Bill 786, which would grant limited driver's permits to some undocumented immigrants while aggressively increasing immigration enforcement.

Prominent immigrant rights groups and progressive advocacy organizations continue to approach the Reclaim NC Act from divergent perspectives. The NC Justice Center, COLA (CoaliciĆ³n de Organizaciones Latino-Americanas), and the ACLU denounce "Reclaim NC" as an Arizona-style bill for its enforcement provisions:

Meanwhile, the NC Dream Team and Charlotte-based Jesus Ministry support the measure, maintaining that access to driver's permits represent a vital improvement from the status quo. You can find a live-tweet summary of this morning's hearing, as well as a variety of community responses, here.